Client Case – Rabobank

client case


Renewing the Credit Origination landscape


Utrecht, The Netherlands

project sector


project owner

Rabobank IT solutions


Approx. 6 months

Design and construction teams thoroughly evaluating all elements of a project before ever issuing bid documents or breaking ground saves a lot of time, money, and re-work. In addition, issues are resolved well before they become expensive problems that delay other activities.

What was the need of the client?

One of the large banks in The Netherlands launched a transformation project to replace legacy applications in their credit landscape primarily focusing on digitization and simplification of the workflow and automation of data capture and date service.

Brainboss was asked to deliver business analyses to one of the teams to streamline the credit risk assessment process within the Wholesale side of the bank which was manual, inefficient and offering little interface to all existing data (capture) systems.

How did we approach it?

Brainboss supported the team in the role a Business Analyst working directly with the product owner to understand and gather requirements and refine them for the technical teams to develop. Connecting with relevant stakeholders across different business functions across multiple time zones for the purpose of requirement elicitation and business validation was among the main responsibilities we were entrusted with.

We guided the development teams to develop the right functionality based on set requirements and acceptance criteria, getting the users to accept the new system through acceptance testing. Also user manuals were developed to support their daily work and for a smooth transition to the ne system.

Furthermore our knowledge and experience with low code platforms helped in further understanding and translating business needs to technical requirements as the entire platform was built using low code technology.

What was the tangible outcome/result for the client?

Starting in Mid-2022, the new system went live globally within one year of active development. We actively connect with users globally for the purpose of trainings and application support and are embarked on a journey to expand the product to include other modules to achieve the target requirements that were defined for the credit origination landscape.