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We help you relocate!


Your new home is waiting for you!

Embarking on a new career abroad is exciting. New colleagues, new environment, new language.

No stress, we help you in your journey to come to The Netherlands with our excellent rated relocation process.

Learn more about the experiences of Brainboss staff members and discover the step by step process and frequently asked questions about your relocation.

“I was extremely pleased with the excellent job Brainboss did in arranging my relocation to the Netherlands. Their efforts made the transition seamless and stress-free. Everything was arranged to the smallest detail for a smooth journey to the Netherlands."
Clara Fernández Perotte


Step by step process


Accept job offer

Once you accept our job offer, the relocation process begins.


We apply for your Visa

Depending on where you come from, you might need a visa. Brainboss takes care of the application for you (and your family). Your responsibility is to only share some documents with us.


Finding Housing

If you want to live in the region of Utrecht, we assist you in finding housing here. This goes from viewing to key transfer. Even if you are still outside of the Netherlands!


Travelling to the Netherlands

Once your Visa is picked up, we organize your travel journey to Utrecht. All costs are covered by us (flight tickets, train tickets, airport luggage).


Arriving in Utrecht

We organize a taxi pick up for your arrival which then brings you to your hotel. We organize a short (one week) hotel stay for you before moving into your new place.


First day at Brainboss

On your first day as a part of our team you receive a practical expat guide, which contains all information you might need to start your life in Utrecht. (insurance, banking, how to register, how to sign up for electricity etc…). You will also meet your Buddy!


Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Visa only for me or for my family as well?

If your partner does not have a sponsor or a job in the Netherlands we offer to apply for both of you.

Do you help with housing outside of Utrecht?

No, we offer to assist you with housing if you want to live in the region of Utrecht. However, we are here if you have any questions and we can still provide you with tips & tricks on how and where to search.

Do I have to pay for my flight tickets?

→ No, travel costs, including flight tickets are part of the relocation package, therefore, you do not pay for them.

Do I have to pay for my visa?

No, we pay for your visa. However, if your partner also needs a visa, we only apply for that, but do not cover the costs.

Do we pay for any furniture needed for your apartment?

→ Purchasing new furniture is not part of the relocation package. However, if you want to transfer your own furniture from home, that can be possible, as long as it fits the relocation budget. If you’re flying, then you are also not limited to only one checked-in luggage!

As a highly skilled migrant do I get any tax benefits?

→ Yes, if you have lived more than 250 km away from Dutch borders for the last 2 years and if you are eligible for 30% tax rule (reimbursement ruling), then 70% of your income is not taxed for the next 5 years. The decision for this benefit always lies with the tax authorities. However, of course we apply for it once you start your employment at Brainboss!

If I need a car when I move, will you provide it for me?

→ We provide you with a mobility allowance, but you have a choice in how to receive it. You can either start getting a monthly payment or we can get a lease car facilitated by us and paid for with your mobility budget.

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